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Create a Smart Home and Save Money in 2022

As homeowners – we’re always searching for ways to lower our bills. Thanks to smart home technology, this can be made a reality in a variety of ways without breaking the bank.

As homeowners – we’re always searching for ways to lower our bills. Thanks to smart home technology, this can be made a reality in a variety of ways without breaking the bank. Whilst some smart home gadgets may involve a hefty investment, in the long run they’ll pay for themselves through the savings they create. Kitting out your home to be a fully-fledged smart home will not only save you money, but it’ll make life at home a breeze. And for the eco-conscious – not only can you look forward to optimised costs and comfortable living, but a step towards sustainable living too.

This article will discuss how you can keep some extra money in your pocket this year by transforming your home into a smart home. If saving time, money and the environment is top of your list – welcome smart technology into your life.

What is a Smart Home?

So – what exactly is a smart home? This seemingly straightforward question comes with many answers. However, in short, a smart home is a residence kitted out with gadgets that automate tasks typically handled by us. In other words – it offers a simpler and more comfortable lifestyle. Smart home gadgets can be controlled via apps, voice commands, remotes and switches or AI – clever right? For some, transforming a home into a smart home can be as simple as buying a smart light bulb. Or for those who want to go all out, it may be the case of linking different products together such as cameras and lighting systems.

Why Create a Smart Home?

There are 2.22 million smart homes in the UK – so smart technology must be doing something right! But why?

  • Saving energy (and money) – smart homes and sustainability go hand in hand as smart home devices can potentially save energy (hence money) in households. Let’s take smart thermostats as an example – they’re designed to control heating and cooling schedules quickly and accurately. That means by improving efficiency, households can potentially look forward to electricity bills less likely to break the bank. And if you want to start with simpler smart accessories first, these can also deliver potential energy savings. For example, smart bulbs and plugs may use less energy by powering down when not in use – even a little goes a long way!
  • Makes life simpler – there’s nothing more important than your comfort. Thankfully, smart home gadgets have been designed with your comfort in mind. After all, nothing says comfort more than having household appliances switch on exactly when and where you need them. Imagine blinds that open and close with just the touch of a button on your smartphone from the comfort of your bed, or lights that switch on/off via voice command – dreamy right?
  • Security and safety – why use traditional alarm systems to protect your home when smart homes can offer extra security with connected smart alarms, lights, sensors, cameras and even doorbells. If someone is scouting out your house to see if they can break in, some of these smart home gadgets may scare them off. Welcome to eternal peace of mind with smart homes!

Can a Smart Home Save you Money?

Smart home gadgets often come with Wi-Fi capabilities – a setup like this allows you to control such smart home devices remotely via an app on your smartphone – like TaHoma. Therefore, you can keep an eye on usage and control consumption to potentially save some money in your pocket.

Let’s not beat around the bush – the initial setup cost can be high. However, these will pay themselves off as time goes on, and the energy savings will certainly outweigh the up-front cost in the long run. Though, it’s worth keeping in mind that smart tech normally works well for landlords and homeowners who stand to reap cost benefits for the life of the technology. Therefore, with renters unable to make significant changes to their property, they’re better off starting small with smart home devices to reduce carbon footprint. For homeowners who want to make big savings – it pays to plan ahead when transforming your property into a smart home.

However, regardless of whether you’re a renter or homeowner, from smart ovens to smart blinds to smart plugs, the ways you can make your home as interconnected as possible are endless. Thanks to AI assistants and smartphone apps, you can continuously learn how to enhance your home’s efficiency and make potential savings. No matter how big or small – every little helps.

Save Money and Live Sustainably: Best Smart Home Gadgets

Let’s go into more detail on which smart home gadgets can potentially save you money, and help you be kinder to the planet:

Control the Temperature with Smart Thermostats

During the chillier months that we’re partial to most of the time in the UK – turning on the heating probably crosses your mind a lot. In an average UK household, more than 50% of people’s wallets are spent on energy bills for heating and hot water. Opting for a smart thermostat is not only a fantastic way to have more control over your heating but control over how much you’re spending on keeping cosy at home too. These nifty gadgets have been designed to learn your household’s heating and cooling habits – just like the Somfy Connected Smart Thermostat. You’ll be able to schedule your heating and hot water to switch on/off as and when needed. Plus, you’ll be able to choose areas of your home to heat and the required temperature for each room, rather than heating the whole house at the same temperature.

Did you know smart heating controls could save you around about £60 and 310kg of carbon dioxide annually? So, not only will you save money on your energy bills, but you’ll be reducing your carbon footprint too – they’re not called smart for no reason! And to make life even more smooth sailing – it’s as easy as ABC for you to modify your heating remotely with just the click of a button on your smartphone.

Those who will benefit the most from smart thermostats and can potentially save some money include people who are:

  • Concerned about how much heating they’re using and how much it’s costing them as this could inspire lifestyle changes.
  • Tech-savvy people who are comfortable or willing to learn how to use apps.
  • Individuals with hectic lives who need the option to control their heating on the go.
  • Planning on staying in the same property for several years, as they can make back installation costs through savings on their heating bill.

Before thinking about the savings you can make with smart heating – ensure your home is properly insulated first. You should also look at whether you’re getting the best deal on your energy bills too. You can find out how much money you could be saving here.

Light the Way with Smart Lighting

Lighting accounts for approximately 15% of a typical household’s electricity bill – welcome smart lighting and you could cut your carbon dioxide emissions by up to 40kg annually. Smart lighting can help households become more energy efficient, as you’ll be able to manage lighting remotely through an app on your smartphone. So, there’s no need to panic if you forget to switch the lights off before going to work, or if you’ve jet set away on holiday – you can turn them off from or the beach!

If you’re taking the first step to transform your home into a smart home – why not start with the Somfy RTS plug? It’s a remote-controlled electric socket which allows you to remotely switch your lights on/off with a single touch. Go ahead and invite comfort into your life with this nifty gadget, all whilst saving energy and potentially money too.

Often, smart lighting can also be set up to run on timers. This means you can set your lights to only switch on once the sun has set, making the most of natural lighting throughout the day, to help further reduce energy consumption. And with energy efficiency comes more saved money in your pocket! Just one LED bulb can save you about £180 over its lifetime – so think of the amount of lights in your home and the savings you could be making from these.

Whilst it’s true there will be higher upfront costs with smart lighting, if you adjust your tendencies accordingly, in the long run you may notice more money in your pocket. Trust us – being in control of adjusting your lights remotely means you’ll soon find they’re turned on a lot less. Perhaps you forgot to switch the lights off before going to work, or you’ve just got comfy in bed and forgot to get the light switch. We understand – it feels like a chore having to get up and therefore you’re tempted to just to leave it. But why leave it when smart lighting can do it for you? Switch them off in a matter of seconds from the palm of your hand. Little things like this can turn into big savings over time!

Lead the Way with Smart Window Dressings

According to the Energy Department – 30% of heating energy is lost through windows – and window dressings are the antidote to this. Investing in window treatments for your home can lead to potentially lower energy bills and reduced carbon footprint. But what about the hassle of having to open and close them at different times of the day and year in order to be the most energy efficient? Look no further than electric blinds or automatic curtain openers. You can program these clever smart gadgets to open and close at specific times of the day for increased energy savings – all at the click of a button! And if you want to go a step further on your energy efficiency and money saving mission – consider pairing both electric blinds and automatic curtain openers together.

See Who Comes Knocking with Smart Security Systems

When you think of a smart home security system – you may picture loud alarms blaring as an intruder attempts to break into your home. However, today’s systems are much more than that, and allow you to benefit from potential savings in your pocket too. Here’s how:

- Protection against theft and vandalism

With smart home security systems, you’ll often find they have access to WiFi, and include standard features like smart security cameras, motion detectors, motion-sensing lights and window and door sensors. These features can be fruitful to your wallet by:

  • Ensuring belongings remain safe by deterring burglars from stepping foot onto your property in the first place.
  • Immediately alerting you of any property breaches, so police can get to your home quicker and recover any stolen possessions.
  • Providing clear images from your security camera to help identify thieves.
  • Allowing you to arm/disarm the system from wherever you may be. This means you’re protected even if you (or the little ones) forget to set the system before leaving the house.

- Insurance discounts

Insurance suppliers know that a safer home means a lower pay-out on their end. Therefore, installing a smart security system can create savings on insurance via:

  • Discounts for theft protection
  • Discounts for fire protection
  • A reduced number of claims (helps keep premiums from increasing)
  • Discounts on new insurance for individuals without prior claims

Remember – ask your insurance supplier what smart security system discounts they offer based on the system you have in place.

Go Further with Somfy

Creating a smart home, whether you go all out or start with a couple of gadgets, means lower energy bills, potential money savings and carbon footprint worth shouting about. From saving money and reducing energy consumption, to general convenience and peace of mind, leave the energy-hogging appliances behind and build a smart home for you, your family and the environment. It’s a no brainer!

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